Financial Goal Calculator
Financial goals are as varied and personal as the desires and dreams that people want to achieve. We have programmed the Financial Goal Calculator to help you calculate how much money you need to save and invest each month to achieve your financial goal within a specified period of time at a specified interest rate.
Whether you are planning a trip around the world, the purchase of your dream home, the university of your children or the way to achieve your financial freedom; With a clear objective in mind it is much easier to save and invest. Because only if you clearly define your goals can you work to achieve them.
Before you start using the financial goal calculator, it is important that you establish your financial goal as precisely as possible, that is, what that goal costs and when you want to achieve it. The following five points of the formulaSMART, they can help you when establishing your financial objective:
Your goal should be as specific as possible. When it's well defined and unambiguous, it's more tangible to you. (Specific)
It has to be measurable. The target quantity must be precisely formulated. (measurable)
Your goal should be action oriented. This means that you should be able to influence whether or not you will achieve your goal. (Actionable)
Set yourself a realistic goal.Of course, your financial goal should be within the reach. Think carefully about whether you could accomplish more or whether you should start with a smaller goal. (Realistic)
Set a specific date to reach your goal. You will only be able to create a clear time plan if you are able to fix the moment in which you wish to have achieved your goal. (time-bound)
If you now take into account an (expected) interest rate, you can plan exactly your financial goal and determine your monthly savings rate with the help of our calculator. With long-term goals, it is imperative that you invest your money and put it to work for you. The more time you save and invest, the more you can benefit fromcompound interest effectand accumulate wealth in the long term.
Here is a brief description of the fields of the financial goal calculator:
target quantity
Enter the amount of money you want to achieve here, which is basically the cost of your financial goal. Enter the number in Euros, without decimals and without using points or commas.
saving time
By when do you want to have reached your financial goal? The longer the period, the more abstract your goal will become, but that is exactly why it pays to clearly and structuredly calculate your financial goal from the start.
Average profitability
With what rate of return have you invested your money? Of course, this often cannot be accurately predicted. But if you invest for the long term, an average return can be forecast with some degree of certainty. Enter this interest rate, including decimal places.
Capital gains taxes
In this field you enter the so-called final withholding on realized capital gains. This figure depends on each country and the section in which each of you is taxed. You can also put it at 0% if you do not have to pay taxes because in your country there is some kind of exemption or bonus
monthly savings rate
Having entered all the data, you now know what your monthly savings rate should be to achieve your financial goal within the specified time period.
If you think that the monthly rate is too high, you can, for example, extend the saving time a bit or think about how you can increase the average return on your investment. At this point you must take into account if your financial goal and the resulting savings rate contain all the points of the formulaSMART.
The other way around, of course, it could also be the case that you can imagine setting aside a higher monthly amount. So you can, for example, shorten the savings phase and achieve your goal sooner.
You can find more advice on financial goals and good (financial) resolutions on our YouTube channel and directly in this video:
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